Show HN: Tailcolors, a TailwindCSS Color Palette

9 points by hbroadbent 2 days ago

Hey HN, I built — a TailwindCSS color palette where you can click to copy any Tailwind color class.

I'm a longtime Tailwind user and I've tried some similar tools, but none supported v4 colors or the new oklch variants.

Tailcolors has both! You can easily copy the 50-950 variants of each color by clicking on them, plus optionally toggle between copying the raw Tailwind class, a hex code, or the oklch property.


thebrothel_ai 13 hours ago

This is super useful. It's annoying trying a bunch of value numbers in the code and seeing which looks the best.

  • hbroadbent 9 hours ago

    Thanks! I completely agree.

    I'm planning to add more detailed pages for each color too. things like gradients, complementary colors and UI examples so keep an eye out!

n0vella 21 hours ago

Thank you! On the previous tailwind documentation you can copy the hex code but in v4 is no longer possible.

Maybe could be more useful if the default copy method were hex or if it saves last selected setting on localStorage.

  • hbroadbent 17 hours ago

    thanks! and that's a cool idea — I like the localstorage idea, plus I'm thinking adding some hotkeys could help too (so pressing h would switch to hex mode).

    I'll take a look in the next few days!